Q & A with Kate Gall: On board to tackle heart disease

Kate Gall recently joined The George Institute Australia as the newly appointed Project Manager in the Cardiovascular Division. Kate tells us about impact she hopes to have on the prevention of repeat heart attacks, and a little bit about herself.

What are the priorities of your role?

I am working to implement the recommendations of the National Summit on Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease, which took place in 2011, which we anticipate taking two years to implement.

What impact do you hope to have?

Ultimately, the aim of this project is to greatly improve the current 30% of heart attack survivors who undertake secondary prevention measures following a heart attack to 80%.
Through innovative strategies and reform, all Australians will have greater opportunity and support to undertake secondary prevention measures to assist in managing their heart disease for the rest of their lives.

What else motivates your work?

I am motivated by knowing that at The George Institute I am helping to improve the lives of thousands of Australians; and I am inspired by working with like-minded people who like to get things done and working well as a team…As the saying goes, “action speaks louder than words”.

What is your professional background?

I have a mixed professional background, but all in health -related fields for example, Radiographer, Marketing Manager in pharmaceutical industry and for a private hospital, and education and health promotion in Division of General Practice (now Medicare Locals).

Who is a person you admire most?

My parents. They are such wonderful role models in how to live life simply and optimistically.

What do you do to unwind at the end of the day?

Time with family, a bit of exercise and/or a glass of wine.